Pizza Slice Earrings
Pizza Slice Earrings
Handmade pizza slice earrings made with polymer clay. Just like a real piece of pizza, these pizzas have a nicely browned crust, brown and bubbly cheese, and even grease spots! You won't need to dab these pizzas with your napkin though! Available with pepperoni or as plain cheese!
Weight and size may vary slightly
WEIGHT: 1.4 grams
WIDTH: 2 cm
LENGTH: 3 cm
[Visual Description: Pizza slices with randomly placed pepperoni pieces. Each pepperoni piece has tiny flecks of white to mimic the tiny pieces of fat in pepperoni pieces. The crust is shaded and textured to look baked. Tomato sauce is peeking out onto the crust from under the cheese. The pizza slices are glossy. The earrings are on a white earring card with the Chlosoup logo on the top of the card. The background is a multi-colored striped fabric.]